Enjoy a free performance by regular cultural partner Masumi Timson on the koto. This event will take place in the Jordan Schnitzer Japanese Arts Learning Center from 1:15 to 2:30pm.
Artist Bio: Masumi Timson
Masumi Timson holds a master’s degree (師範 – Shihan) in Koto and Shamisen from the Seiha School of Japanese Traditional Music. She plays both classical and contemporary koto music and sings Japanese classical songs with koto and shamisen accompaniment. To explore a wide range of musical genres from Jazz, Blues, and Tango, to Mozart, she also enjoys collaborating with a variety of western musical instruments. Masumi has participated as a session musician on several Pink Martini albums.
Masumi also organizes and directs the Sakura Koto Ensemble, a group of musicians based in Oregon who play traditional Japanese instruments and sometimes collaborating with musicians of western musical instruments.